PandaAI 3.0 is currently in beta. This documentation reflects the latest features and functionality, which may evolve before the final release.

Using the pai.create() method with CSV and parquet files

The simplest way to define a semantic layer schema is using the create method:

import pandasai as pai

# Load your data: for example, in this case, a CSV
file = pai.read_csv("data.csv")

df = pai.create(
    # Format: "organization/dataset"

    # Input dataframe
    df = file,

    # Optional description
    description="Sales data from our retail stores",

    # Define the structure and metadata of your dataset's columns.
    # If not provided, all columns from the input dataframe will be included.
            "name": "transaction_id",
            "type": "string",
            "description": "Unique identifier for each sale"
            "name": "sale_date"
            "type": "datetime",
            "description": "Date and time of the sale"

- path

The path uniquely identifies your dataset in the PandaAI ecosystem using the format “organization/dataset”.

file = pai.read_csv("data.csv")

    path="acme-corp/sales-data",  # Format: "organization/dataset"

Type: str

  • Must follow the format: “organization-identifier/dataset-identifier”
  • Organization identifier should be unique to your organization
  • Dataset identifier should be unique within your organization
  • Can be used both locally and with the PandaAI Data Platform
  • Examples: “acme-corp/sales-data”, “my-org/customer-profiles”

- df

The input dataframe that contains your data, typically created using pai.read_csv().

file = pai.read_csv("data.csv")  # Create the input dataframe

    df=file,  # Pass your dataframe here

Type: DataFrame

  • Must be a pandas DataFrame created with pai.read_csv()
  • Contains the raw data you want to enhance with semantic information
  • Required parameter for creating a semantic layer

- description

A clear text description that helps others understand the dataset’s contents and purpose.

file = pai.read_csv("data.csv")

    df = file,
    description="Daily sales transactions from all retail stores, including transaction IDs, dates, and amounts",

Type: str

  • The purpose of the dataset
  • The type of data contained
  • Any relevant context about data collection or usage
  • Optional but recommended for better data understanding

- columns

Define the structure and metadata of your dataset’s columns to help PandaAI understand your data better.

Note: If the columns parameter is not provided, all columns from the input dataframe will be included in the semantic layer. When specified, only the declared columns will be included, allowing you to select specific columns for your semantic layer.

file = pai.read_csv("data.csv")

    df = file,
    description="Daily sales transactions from all retail stores",
            "name": "transaction_id",
            "type": "string",
            "description": "Unique identifier for each sale"
            "name": "sale_date"
            "type": "datetime",
            "description": "Date and time of the sale"
            "name": "quantity",
            "type": "integer",
            "description": "Number of units sold"
            "name": "price",
            "type": "float",
            "description": "Price per unit in USD"
            "name": "is_online",
            "type": "boolean",
            "description": "Whether the sale was made online"

Type: dict[str, dict]

  • Keys: column names as they appear in your DataFrame
  • Values: dictionary containing:
    • type (str): Data type of the column
      • “string”: IDs, names, categories
      • “integer”: counts, whole numbers
      • “float”: prices, percentages
      • “datetime”: timestamps, dates
      • “boolean”: flags, true/false values
    • description (str): Clear explanation of what the column represents

Using the pai.create() method for SQL databases

You need to install the pandasai-sql extra dependency for this feature. See SQL installation instructions.

For SQL databases, you can use the create method to define your data source and schema. Here’s an example using a MySQL database:

sql_table = pai.create(
    # Format: "organization/dataset"

    # Optional description
    description="Heart disease dataset from MySQL database",

    # Define the source of the data, including connection details and
    # table name
        "type": "mysql",
        "connection": {
            "host": "${DB_HOST}",
            "port": 3306,
            "user": "${DB_USER}",
            "password": "${DB_PASSWORD}",
            "database": "${DB_NAME}"
        "table": "heart_data"

In this example:

  • The path defines where the dataset will be stored in your project
  • The description provides context about the dataset
  • The source object contains:
    • Database connection details (using environment variables for security)
    • Table name to query
    • Column definitions with types and descriptions

For security best practices, always use environment variables for sensitive connection details. Never hardcode credentials in your code.

You can then use this dataset like any other:

# Load the dataset
heart_data = pai.load("organization/health-data")

# Query the data
response ="What is the average age of patients with heart disease?")

YAML Semantic Layer Configuration

Whenever you create a semantic layer schema using the create method, a YAML configuration file is automatically generated for you in the datasets/ directory of your project. As an alternative, you can use a YAML schema.yaml file directly in the datasets/organization_name/dataset_name directory.

The following sections detail all available configuration options for your schema.yaml file:

- description

A clear text description that helps others understand the dataset’s contents and purpose.

Type: str

  • The purpose of the dataset, in order for everyone in the organization and for the LLMs to understand
description: Daily sales transactions from all retail stores, including transaction IDs, dates, and amounts

- source (mandatory for SQL datasets)

Specify the data source for your dataset.

  type: postgres
    host: postgres-host
    port: 5432
    database: postgres
    user: postgres
    password: ******
  table: orders
  view: false

The available data sources depends on the installed data extensions (sql databases, data lakehouses, yahoo_finance).

Type: dict

  • type (str): Type of data source
    • “postgresql” for PostgreSQL databases
    • “mysql” for MySQL databases
    • “bigquery” for Google BigQuery data
    • “snowflake” for Snowflake data
    • “databricks” for Databricks data
    • “oracle” for Oracle databases
    • “yahoo_finance” for Yahoo Finance data
  • connection_string (str): Connection string for the data source
  • query (str): Query to retrieve data from the data source

- columns

Define the structure and metadata of your dataset’s columns to help PandaAI understand your data better.

  - name: transaction_id
    type: string
    description: Unique identifier for each sale
  - name: sale_date
    type: datetime
    description: Date and time of the sale

Type: list[dict]

  • Each dictionary represents a column.
  • Fields:
    • name (str): Name of the column.
      • For tables: Use simple column names (e.g., transaction_id).
    • type (str): Data type of the column.
      • Supported types:
        • "string": IDs, names, categories.
        • "integer": Counts, whole numbers.
        • "float": Prices, percentages.
        • "datetime": Timestamps, dates.
        • "boolean": Flags, true/false values.
    • description (str): Clear explanation of what the column represents.


  1. Column names must be unique.
  2. For views, all column names must be in the format [table].[column].

- transformations

Apply transformations to your data to clean, convert, or anonymize it.

  - type: anonymize
        - transaction_id
      method: hash
  - type: convert_timezone
        - sale_date
      from_timezone: UTC
      to_timezone: America/New_York

Type: list[dict]

  • Each dictionary represents a transformation
  • type (str): Type of transformation
    • “anonymize” for anonymizing data
    • “convert_timezone” for converting timezones
  • params (dict): Parameters for the transformation

If you want to learn more about transformations, check out the transformations documentation.